Monday, December 21, 2009

Living conditions in the 1800s

The living conditions in the 1800s. Spending more time in the 1800s is harder then its seems. The living space is very close in and there is not a lot of room to live. One room in a house is per one family. If you want to know how its feel like living in the 1800s, it is like putting 8 families in your own house. Some people do live in houses that size of which you call it your bedroom. There is only one bedroom in your house. You have to share an room with your kids and yourself. Some house are even smaller then your bedroom. You dream of having a really big kitchen with everything you need. In the 1800s your kitchen is smaller then your kitchen you don't like. Living in this conditions is easy to catch a disease. Kids are easy to get sick because that are running around with no shoes on. If you think your house not perfect enough, at least it is better then the living space in the 1800s. Experiencing the living conditions i rather choose my own house over theres. What the have mine is not as bad.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how personal you make this one sound. I can't imagine having 8 families in my house!
